Monday, September 1, 2014

Egg BLT's on Sourdough English Muffins


Make the English muffins using sourdough starter discard. This can be done in advance, which is advisable if this will be a breakfast meal. If it is to be dinner, you could start the English muffins in the morning. 

You will need to cook the bacon. This can be done as the first step of the meal prep, or you can do it in advance and put the bacon in the fridge.

Slice a tomato. Wash lettuce leaves and tear into sandwich-friendly pieces.

Cook the eggs.

Assemble the sandwiches and serve. 

At least 14 hours before serving this meal

Mix the dough for English muffins. The healthiest way to prepare any grain is to soak it. So your English muffins need about 12 hours to soak. Then you will shape the dough into muffins, let them rise, and bake them. I have used this whole wheat sourdough English muffins recipe from The Fresh Loaf several times and like the way they turn out. Though to cook them, I prefer baking them in the oven instead of on a skillet. I bake them at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes, turn the muffins over, and  bake an additional 6-8 minutes.

Shortcut: You could purchase English muffins from the store. Choose 100% whole wheat whenever you can. Even better would be to find the shortest ingredient list.

Wait ... sourdough? If you have never been introduced to the world of sourdough and you are interested in the healthfulness of fermented foods, I would love to help you get started in sourdough baking. Send me a message with any questions and I am happy to help. Keeping a starter can be really low-maintenance. I spend less time keeping my starter fed than I do taking care of the cat.

About a half hour before serving

If you haven't already, put your English muffins in the oven. Heat a skillet and cook your bacon. Figure one slice of bacon for each Egg BLT sandwich.

Shortcut: Buy precooked bacon. Not really something I'd recommend if you're shooting for whole foods, but if you are just starting to cook for yourself, better to make an exception on precooked bacon than to give up entirely and eat out. 

Even better: Cook your bacon in a cast iron skillet. Cast iron is pretty fantastic! One of the big benefits is that it imparts nutritional iron into your foods.

20 minutes before serving

If your English muffins are in the oven, flip them over. Keep an eye on the bacon. Turn it as needed to crisp both sides. As each piece of bacon finishes cooking, remove it from the pan onto a paper towel to drain off excess grease. 

10 minutes before serving

Remove English muffins from the oven. Slice them and put them in the toaster. This is optional, but crisps up the interior of the muffins so they are better able to support the sandwich. 

When all of the bacon is finished cooking, pour off all but a tablespoon or so of the grease. Crack about 1 egg for each sandwich into the skillet. You can whisk them around for a more scrambled sandwich, or keep the yolks intact. Either way makes a tasty sandwich. 

Better: Use organic eggs from the grocery store. 

Even better: Get eggs from a local farmer or Backyard Chicken enthusiast. The organic label in grocery stores is nice, but you'll know a lot more about what the chickens ate and how they were raised if you meet the farmer.

5 minutes before serving

Wash lettuce. I err on the side of too much lettuce. It's hard to overeat on lettuce! I use 2 large or 3-4 small leaves per sandwich. 

Wash and slice a tomato. I use 2 slices of tomato per sandwich. 

Just before serving

Assemble the sandwiches. Divide the eggs evenly on each English muffin bottom. Top with bacon, tomato, lettuce, and the English muffin top.

Serve immediately. 

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